Thursday, January 5, 2012

Salmon Roe & Cream Cheese on cucumber hors d'oeuvres

All-righty. Here's the 1st order of weirdness. If you are like me, and will put anything in your mouth ... wait, that may be misconstrued...oh well. Anywho, try these little morsels of salty goodness: Simple, requires little assembly, & looks cool. And  as an added bonus, you get a side of high blood pressure from all the yummy sodium.You're welcome! 

1/4 Cup Salmon Roe
1/4 Cup softened Cream Cheese
1/2 Cucumber ( cut into slices)
Ponzu sauce, and optional Sriracha hot sauce if you lika'da Sa-piicyyy! 
Fresh dill for decoration 

Cut cucumber into slices. I prefer using the English Cucumbers, less seedy. Top with a dollop of cream cheese. If you have one of those squeezable frosting bags that you can squeeze the cream cheese out of in a decorative way, use that. I, personally am too cheap to buy one so I used a Ziploc bag with a cut off corner creating a tasty circular cream cheese half-turd. Put about a half tea spoon of Salmon Roe into that, and add a splash of Ponzu sauce on top. If you want some kick, squirt (he-he) a drop or two of Sriracha on top. WARNING: some people hate salmon roe. F*%$ those people. Someone will eat this, I promise.   


  1. Kuddos to your up & coming "druthers"... ;)
    Bloggin' is a resolution for me this year... I'll show you mine since you've shared yours asap! Thanks for the delish recipe (and even more so for the inspiration). - JENN
